How long will it take to completely pay off the household and personal credit card expenses at the current interest rate? Credit Card Payoff simplifies this number crunching by calculating the payment required to pay off your credit card debt for a given time period. You can also calculate how long it will take to pay off your card given a specific monthly payment. You can easily plan your household credit cards’ finances. You can also keep reminders and notes about your latest payment dates and the minimum amount to be paid for the respective time periods.
Key Features: Include details and get an estimation of your payoff time period and amount for as many as four personal cards, a gas card and a department store card.
Simplifies this number crunching by calculating the payment required to pay off your credit card debt for a given time period.
Calculates the time (in months and years) required to pay off your card debt for a specific monthly payment. Estimate the total interest that will be paid by the time the balance is paid off.
Keep reminders and notes about your latest payment dates and the minimum amount to be paid for the respective time periods.
Enables you to easily plan your household credit cards’ finances. Simple and easy to use interface. Little or no training required.